...a companion blog to "Math-Frolic," specifically for interviews, book reviews, weekly-linkfests, and longer posts or commentary than usually found at the Math-Frolic site.

"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty – a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show." ---Bertrand Russell (1907) Rob Gluck

"I have come to believe, though very reluctantly, that it [mathematics] consists of tautologies. I fear that, to a mind of sufficient intellectual power, the whole of mathematics would appear trivial, as trivial as the statement that a four-legged animal is an animal." ---Bertrand Russell (1957)

******************************************************************** Rob Gluck

Friday, October 20, 2017

A Very Few Math Bits From the Week

Some of the math bits that interrupted this week's stream of demagoguery:

1)  Alex Bellos’ latest book, “Puzzle Ninja”:
(I don’t believe it’s in American bookstores yet, and when it is, may show up under a different title as British math books often do)

2)  Just in time for your next cocktail chatter… ;) David Butler tweeted this week: “For every prime after 66600049, you can cross out some of its digits and find a smaller prime.

3)  For “World Maths Day,” The Royal Society highlights 66 mathematicians:

4)  Our computer overlords are on the way… a couple of write-ups on the stunning progress of AlphaGoZero:

5)  The Pythagorean Theorem as you may not have seen it discussed before (from “Better Explained”):

6)  Brand new issue of Chalkdust magazine now online:

7)  Arguing in favor of research p-values < 0.005:

8)  In a week when I didn't expect to have much to post at Math-Frolic, I ended up with 3 posts, including today involving Scott Aaronson.

Potpourri BONUS! (extra NON-mathematical links of interest): 

1)  Steven Wright quotes (just because):

2)  And as we all know nothing is written in stone… er, uh, ohh, wait….

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