...a companion blog to "Math-Frolic," specifically for interviews, book reviews, weekly-linkfests, and longer posts or commentary than usually found at the Math-Frolic site.

"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty – a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show." ---Bertrand Russell (1907) Rob Gluck

"I have come to believe, though very reluctantly, that it [mathematics] consists of tautologies. I fear that, to a mind of sufficient intellectual power, the whole of mathematics would appear trivial, as trivial as the statement that a four-legged animal is an animal." ---Bertrand Russell (1957)

******************************************************************** Rob Gluck

Friday, May 25, 2018

Yet Another Friday Math-mix

Neither I nor Donald Trump were invited to the big wedding last weekend; Donald stayed busy dismantling America, while I busied myself working on a fresh math potpourri:

1)   Richard Guy, still working and interviewed at age 100:

2)  Excerpt from Deborah Mayo’s upcoming book on statistics’ “severe testing”:

3) White rabbits”… Pat Ballew reruns (and updates) a post he originally wrote 10 years ago:
(…a reminder, me-thinkest, of how timeless, interesting mathematics is)

4)  Of Math Men, Mad Men, and the rest of us via the New Yorker:

5)  Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Ben Orlin has a book forthcoming (it may be short on plot and character-development, but I hereby advise buying a few copies anyway):

6)  58 authors urge the axing of p-value thresholds in research papers:

7)  Meanwhile, I took note of a few books on my radar at Math-Frolic yesterday:

…Potpourri BONUS! (extra NON-mathematical links of interest): 

Just a few favorite recent tweets:

A little Duchess of Sussex back story:

A tweet for Paul Simon fans:

And if you enjoy podcasts in general, LOTS of good recommendations here:

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